Archangel Gabriel (Tver)


Archangel Gabriel (Tver)

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Icon nb 64

Size : 42 x 21 cm.

Lime board

Egg tempera.

As a celestial Messenger, Archangel Gabriel appeared to Anne and Joachim to announce them the birth of the Mother of God. He informed Elisabeth and Zachariah of the arrival of saint John the Baptist. He fed the Mother of God during twelve years in the temple and was sent by God to announce the birth of the Saviour to her.
At the time of Resurrection, Gabriel went down from the sky, wearing a white dress and he reassured the spicebearing women saying: "Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said" (Matthew. 28. 5)

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