Saint Florus and saint Laurus


Florus and Laurus

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Icon nb 53

Size : 60 x 45 cm.

Linden board

Gilded haloes and background. Egg tempera.

Florus and Laurus were twin brothers who were stone masons. They lived in Illyria in the second century. They constructed a building which was intented to be a pagan temple and because they dedicated it to Christ, they were killed.

From the sixteenth century the cult of Florus and Laurus as patron saints of horses found clear expression in compositions which show the Archangel Michael giving horses to the two martyrs together with a herd of horses and three mounted herdsmen named Spevsyp, Elevsyp and Melevsyp.

Their cult spread from Georgia and Capaddocia to Russia, France and Spain.




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