Prophet Elijah taken up into Heaven


Elijah taken up into Heaven

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Icon nb 59

Size : 39 x 31 cm.

Linden board

Gilded haloes and background. Egg tempera.

These are the miracles of the prophet Elijah the Tisbite :
. First he was fed by a crow
. Second he himself fed richly the Sarephthan woman, with small remains of oil and flour; so he also raised her son from the dead by breathing on him
. He held back the rain by God, then he let it come.
. He sacrificed the offering in a strange fire and for strangers, since he lived
for many days without tasting food. He entirely burned up two fifty men armies
. He went through the Jordan, splitting it with his cloak.
. He rose up to heaven on a chariot of fire.
. He left both his skin and his grace to Elisha.

Saint Gregory of Nazianz
Dogmatic Poems




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