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Icon :

- The icon, image of the Invisible, Egon Sendler, Oakwood Publications, 1988.

- Icon, its meaning and history, Mahmoud Zibawi, St Vladimir's Seminary Press,1993.

- The meanings of icons, Leonid Ouspensky, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2000 ( read it partially)

- The Rublev Trinity. Gabriel Bunge, St Vladimir's Seminary Press,2007 (read it partially)

- Icons. Robin Cormack, British Museum Press, 2007 (read it partially)

- Guide to Byzantine Iconography, Cavarnos, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1991.

- Icons, the fascination and the reality, Konrad Osnach, Riverside Books Compagny, 1997.

- The Russian Icon, Viktor Nikititch Lazarev, Nancy Macdarby editor, 1996.

- Icons and their History, Talbot Rice, The Overlook Press, 1974

- The Russian Icon of the Novgorod Museum Collection, Anna Trifonova, Nikolai Grebensky editor, 1992

- Russian Icons. Vladimir Ivanov, New York : Rizzoli, 1988.

- Likeness and Presence. Hans Belting, University of Chicago Press, 1996 (read it partially)

- Early Russian Paintings in the Hermitage Collection, A. Kostova, Iskusstvo, 1992

- The paintings of Novgorod the Great, E. Smirnova, Aurora, St Petersburg, 1983.

- Moscow Icons, Engelina Smirnova, Aurora Art Publishers, St Petersburg, 1983.

- Tver Icons, Gennady Popov, Aurora Art Publishers, St Petersburg, 1993.

- Pskov Icons, Mikhaïl Alpatov, Aurora Art Publishers, St Petersburg, 1991.

- The light of Christ, Gregory Kroug, A. Tregubov, St Vladimir's Seminary Press,1990. (read it partially)

- The Icon, Kurt Weitzmann editor, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982.

- Sinai, the Treasures of the Monastery, Athanasios Paliouras, Ekdotike Athenon, 1990.

- Crusader Art in the Holy Land. Jaroslav Folda, Cambridge University Press, 2005 (read it partially)

- Byzantine Art, Robin Cormak, Oxford University Press, 2000. (read it partially)

- Subtle bodies, representing angels..., Glenn Peers, University of California Press, 2000

- The Icons and their bodies, Henry Maguire, Princeton University Press, 2000.

- Mother of God, Maria Vassilaki, Mouseion Benake, 2001.

- Images of the Mother of God, Edited by Maria Vassilaki, 2005 (read it partially)

- The "Painter's manual" of Dionysius of Fourna. Paul Hetherington, Paperback, 1998 (read it partially)

- An Iconographers Patternbook, the Stroganov Tradition. Fr. Christopher, P Kelley.

- Praying with Icons. Jim Forest. Orbis Books. 1997.

- Recovering the Icon. Patrick Doolan, SVS Press, 2008 (read it partially)

- The Art of the Icon. Nigel Cawthorne. Laurel Glen Publisher. 2000.

- The Incarnate God, the feasts of Jesus and Mary. SVS Press, 1995 (read it partially)

- Sacred Doorways: A Beginner's Guide to Icons. Linette Martin. Paraclete Press. 2002.

- The Mystical Language of Icons. Solrunn Nes, Wm. B. Eerdemans Publishing Co. 2007 (read it partially)

- The Uncreated Light. Solrunn Nes, Wm. B. Eerdemans Publishing Co. 2004 (read it partially)

- God's Human Face: The Christ Icon. Christoph Schonborn. Ignatius, 2002 (read it partially)

- Studies in early Russian Art. Viktor Lazarev. The Pindar Press. 2001.

- A brush with God. Peter Pearson, Morehouse Publishing, 2005 (read it partially)

- Festival Icons for the Christian Year. John Baggley. SVS Press, New-York, 2000 (read it partially)

- Metamorphosis. The Transfiguration in Byzantine... A. Andreopoulos, SVS Press 2005 (read it partially)

Articles :

- Icons: revelation in image, John Binns, Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches (read the article)

- The Sacred in the Everyday, Oleg Tarasov, Icon and devotion, Sacred spaces... (read the article)

- The essence of the Icon, Michel Quenot. (read the article)

- The Byzantine Panel Portrait before and after Iconoclasm. Jeffrey C. Anderson (read the article)

Fresco :

- Theophanes The Greek, Mikhaïl Alpatov, Iskusstvo, 1979.

- Dionysius, Masters of World Painting. Aurora Art Publishers, St Petersburg, 1982.

- The Cretan Painter Theophanis, the wall paintings of Stavronikita, Mount Athos, 1986.

- Greek Art, Byzantine wall paintings, Edotike Athenon, Athens 1994.

- Byzantine Wall-Paintings of Crete. Rethymnon. Ioannis Spatharakis. The Pindar Press. 1999.

- The Byzantine Wall Paintings of Crete, Konstantin Kalokyris, 1973.

- Monastic Visions: Wall Paintings of St. Antony at the Red Sea. Elizabeth Bolman, 2002.

- Dionysius in the Russian Museum: Murals in the Ferapont Monastery. Petrova, Palace Edition, 2002.

- Frescos of the Saviour's church on Nereditsa in Novgorod. Pivovarova, N.V. Dmitrii Bulanin Publisher. Sankt-Peterburg, 2002.

Russian books :

- Serguei Alexeev

- Natalia Budur

- Symboli

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