Contemporary Icons (XIVth Century) |
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Mount Athos
Theophanes the Greek, Moscow.
Wall paintings of Agios Dimitrios, Agios Nikolaos Orphanos, Agioi Apostoloi, Profitis Ilias and Agia Ekaterini, Thessaloniki. Mosaics and frescoes, Church of Christ in Chora, Constantinople Mosaics of Agioi Apostoloi, Thessaloniki. Wall paintings of Decani, Studenica and Gratsanitsa (Yougoslavia). Wall paintings of Panselinos, Mount Athos Wall paintings of Mistra (Peribleptos, church of the Pantanassa and Aphentico) andVeria, Greece. Mosaics of Pammakaristos (Fetiye Djami) Constantinople. Wall paintings of Pec, St Nikita (Cucer), Zica, Yougoslavia. Mosaic diptych, Opera del Duomo, Firenze. 1363 - 1389 Building of the Kremlin by Prince Donskoï Russia : Wall paintings of the Church of the Transfiguration and Saint Theodore Stratilate(Novgorod), the Church of the Dormition (Volotovo) and the church of the Nativity (Kovalevo). |
1304 - 1306 Wall paintings of Giotto, Scrovegni, Padova. 1305 - 1391 Mosque of Alhambra, Granada. 1308 - 1311 Maesta of Duccio. 1318 - 1323 Wall paintings of Santa Croce, Firenze. Dante (1255 - 1321) put an end to the Divina Comedia 1328 - Giotto paints in Napoli, Simone Marini in Sienna. 1334 - 1344 Pope's Palace, Avignon. 1337 - Wall paintings of Lorenzetti, Sienna. 1340 - The Last Supper by Vitale da Bologna. 1344 - Simone Martini à Avignon. Mosquée rouge à Fes. Paolo Veneziano : Couronnement de la Vierge. 1362 - Fresques d'Orcagna à Santa Croce, Florence (Jugement dernier). Début de l'art flamboyant : la cathédrale d'Amiens. Duke of Berry Book of Hours. |
Political context |
Life of the Church |
1311 - Catalans devastate Greece. Apogee of the Serb Empire under Miloutine. Civil war in Byzantium. 1328 - Reign of Andronicus III. 1337 - Beginning of the Hundred Years' War. 1338 - Turks reach Bosphorus. 1341 - Death of Ivan I Kalita (Russia). Civil war between Jean V Palaeologus and Jean VI Cantacuzenus. The black death sweeps over Europe. 1356 - Turks get a foothold in Europe and establish their capital at Adrianople. 1365 - Tamerlan begins the conquest of his empire. 1370 - Sultan Mourad conquers Bulgaria, Thrace and imposes his suzerainty to John V 1380 - Battle of Koulikovo, Dimitri Douskoi defeats the Tatars. 1389 - Defeat of the Serbs at Kossovo. 1391 - Tamerlan defeats the Tatars. 1392 - Turk conquest of Serbia. 1396 - Bajezid I defeats the crusaders at Nicopolis. 1397 - Turks besiege Constantinople. 1399 - Manuel II comes to Western Europe to seek help. |
1307- 1377 Papal exile to Avignon. 1332 - Religious fights in Constantinople: the Hesychast quarrel (Barlaam - St. Gregory Palamas) 1341 - 1352 The three Palamit Councils. 1378 - Great Papal Schism: coexistence of two popes, one in Avignon (recognized by France, Spain, Portugal and Scotland) and the other in Rome (supported by England, Germany and Italy. |
Spiritual life |
Artistical life |
St Angela of Foligno died in 1309 St Gregory the Sinaite died in 1346 Meiter Eckhart died in 1327 John Ruysbroeck died in 1381 St Gregory Palamas died in 1359 St Sergius of Radonej died in 1392 Henri Suzo 1300 - 1365 John Tauler 13001361 St Catherine of Sienna 1348 - 1380 |
Cimabue died in 1303 Duccio di Boninsegna died in 1319 Dante Alighieri died in 1321 Giotto di Bondone died in 1337 Theophanes the Greek was born in 1340 Andrei Rublev was born in 1360 |
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