Contemporary Icons (XIIIth Century)

Agia Sophia, Constantinople
Panaghia, Moscow
St. Mark, Venice

Byzantine art

Contemporary art

Wall paintings of Studenica, Jitsa and Milecheva.

Icon of the Mother of God, Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome

Wall paintings, church of the Achiropiitos, Thessaloniki.

Icons of Mount Sinai

Church of the Forty Martyrs, Tirnovo (Bulgaria).

Mosaics of Venice

Icon of the Mother of God, Keryna (Cyprus)

1282 - Wall paintings of the Protaton, Mount Athos

Wall paintings of Pec, Moraca, Agia Sophia (Trebizond), Bojana (Bulgaria)

Wall paintings of Sopocani (Yougoslavia).

Mosaics of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome.

1290 - Church of the Saints Theodore, Mistra
Mosaics of Porta Panaghia near Trikkala and of the Mother of God "Deliverer", Arta

Icons of Pskov, Tver and Novgorod

1203 - 1208 Saint Michael's Mount

Wall paintings of St Sylvester's oratory, Santi Quatro Coronati, Rome

1211 - Cathedral of Reims (Beginning).

1215 - Building of Saint-Etienne of Auxerre

1220 - The rose of Notre Dame cathedral of Paris

1220 - 1269 Cathedral of Amiens

1220 - 1240 Cathedral of Salisbury

1227 - Cathedral of Toledo

1232 - Santa Croce, church of Franciscans, Firenze

1235 - 1260 Cathedral of Trier

Fresques de Subiaco (Italy)

1242 - 1248 Sainte Chapelle (Holy Chapel), Paris.

1245 - 1258 Rebuilding of Westminster Abbey.

1250 Mosaics of the Baptistery and San Miniato, Firenze

1255 Cathedral of Léon (Spain)

1260 Consecration of the Cathedral of Chartres

1277 - 1313 Cathedral of Arezzo

1278 - 1330 Santa Maria Novella, Firenze

1282 - 1390 Cathedral of St Cécile of Albi (France)

1297 - 1299 Giotto paints in Assisi

Political context

Life of the Church

1204 - Constantinople falls to Crusaders during the Fourth Crusade. Creation of the Latin Empire of Constantinople.
Foundation of the Empire of Trebizonda (1204 -1461)

1206 - Theodore I Laskaris, Byzantine Emperor of Nicaea.

1222 - John III at Nicaea.

1226 - Reign of Louis IX of France.

1227 - Death of Genghis-Khan. Mongolian Empire.

1233 - Mongols invade Russia.

1240 - Mongols capture Kiev.

1242 - Teutonic knights defeated by Alexander Nevski, Grand Duke of Novgorod.

1261 - Michael VIII Palaeologus delivers Constantinople.

1282 - Andronikos II denounces the Church Union. Sicilian Vespers save Byzance from the Western danger.

1291 - Creation of Swizerland.

1204 - Fourth Crusade. Sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders diverted by the Doge of Venice.

1208 - Innocent III preaches the Crusade against the Albigensian heretics.

1221 - Fifth Crusade: John of Brienne, king of Jerusalem, takes Damieta, but must re-embark in Cairo.

1221 - The Preaching Friars Order is created.

1227 - Excommunication of Frederick II.
1227 - Sixth Crusade: Frederick II negotiates with Sultan Ackhame and becomes King of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is shared between the two religions.

1229 - Council of Toulouse: Gregory appoints Inquisitors.

1249 - Seventh Crusade: Louis IX of France embarks at Aigues-Mortes. He captures Damietta and is himself taken captive in April 1250.

1274 - Council of Lyons: Byzance recognizes the authority of the Pope. Strong opposition of the Orthodox.

1291 - End of the Crusades: Capture of St John of Acre by the Mameluks.

Spiritual life

Artistical life

St Dominic Guzman died in 1221

St Francesco of Assisi died in 1226

St Albert the Great (1200 - 1280)

St Bonaventure (1221 - 1274)

St Thomas of Aquinas (1225 - 1274)

St Angela of Foligno was born in 1248

St Gregoiry the Sinaite was born in 1255

Meister Eckhart was born 1268

John Ruysbroeck was born in 1293

St Gregoiry Palamas was born in 1296

Cimabue was born in 1240

Dante Alighieri was born in 1255

Duccio di Boninsegna was born in 1260

Giotto di Bondone was born in 1266

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