Contemporary Icons (Xth Century)

Gorëme, Cappadocia
Agia Sophia, Constantinople
Ara-Caeli, Rome
King Abgar, Sinai

Byzabtine art

Contemporary art

Effigy of St John Chrysostom, Agia Sophia, Constantinople.

944 - St Elijah, Kiev.
Gospel of Mount Athos.

963 - Church of Lavra, Mount Athos.

Wall paintings of David-Garedja, Ateni and Gelati, Georgia.

First Armenian paintings (frescoes and miniatures).

Icon of St Philip and St Nicolas, Sinaï.

Menologion of Basile II, Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica.

Wall painting of Castelseprio, Lombardia.

910 - Fondation of Cluny.

949 - 979 St Philibert of Tournus.
950 - Wall paintings of St Michael, Le Puy en Velay (France).

Ottonian paintings.
Wall paintings of St Georges of Oberzell (Reicheneau).

981 - Consecration of Cluny.

Mozarabian miniatures: Apocalypse of Beatus.

Political context

Life of the Church

901 - Alliance of Byzance with Magyars.

912 - 959 Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos

945 - Domination of the Bouyides in Baghdad.

956 - Otto I.

961 - Byzantine reconquest of Crete.

963 - Reign of Nikephoros Phokas. Reconquest of Cilicie and Cyprus. Conquest of Syria.

969 - Nikephoros Phokas assassinated.

973 - Annexation of Eastern Bulgaria.

976 - Reign of Basile II.

988 - Baptism of the Russians (Vladimir of Kiev).

999 - Basile II conquers Georgia.

907 - Schism in Eastern Church.

. Important monastic foundations: Mount Athos, Backovo, Patmos, Cappadocia.

961 - Evangelization of the Slavs.

988 - Conversion of Russia to Christianity.

Spiritual life

St Symeon the New Theologian was born in 917

St Athanasios of Athos was born in 920

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