Contemporary Icons (IXth Century)

St Clemente, Rome
Ascension, Thessaloniki
Tsilkani, Georgia
Ascension, Sinai

Byzantine art

Contemporary art

Mosaics of St Prassede, St Zenon, St Maria-in-Domenica and St Cecilia, Rome.

Decoration of Agia Sophia, Constantinople.

The Virgin Empress, St Clemente, Rome.

Church of the Dormition, mosaics, Nicaea.

Mosaics of the dome, Agia Sophia, Thessaloniki

Wall paintings of Cappadocian churches.

Beginning of carolingian painting.

Gospel of Lothaire, Psalter of Utrecht.

Byzantine inspired mosaics of the church of Germigny-les-Prés (France).

Wall paintings of San Crisogono, Rome.

Wall paintings of St-Germain-l'Auxerrois (France).

Construction of Boroboudour, Java.

Carolingian ivory.

Wall paintings of Samara.

Drogon's sacramentary.

Construction of the temple of Angkor.

Political context

Life of the Church

800 - Charlemagne is crowned "Emperor of the West"

802 - End of the reign of Irene.

810 - Foundation of Venice.

820 - Phrygian dynasty: Michael II. Arabs conquer Crete and Sicily.

843 - Norman invasions.

853 - Reign of Michael III.

860 - Russians attack Constantinople.

864 - Bulgarians adopt Christianity.

867 - Schism of Patriarch Photios

813 - Second period of iconoclasm.

843 - End of iconoclasm: Triumph of Orthodoxy. Icons are restored to worship.

856 - St Cyril and St Methodios evangelize Moravia.

860 - Pope Nicolas I refuses to recognize the accession of Photius to the Patriarchate.

869 - Council of Constantinople:
Reconciliation between Pope John VIII and Photius.

Spiritual life

St Theodore Studite died in 826

St Nikephoros died in 829

John Scot Erigene died en 877

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