Contemporary Icons (VIIth Century)

St Dimitri, Thessaloniki
Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome
St Peter, Sinai
St Abbacyr, Rome

Contemporary art

Mosaics of St Venanzio and St Agnes-fuori-le-Mura, Rome.

Wall paintings of Santa-Maria-Antiqua and St Sabas, Rome.

Visigoth art in Spain.

The Ashburnham Pentateuch.

Merovingian art in France.

Beginning of Ommeyad art in Damascus.

Building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

Political context

Life of the Church

602 - Revolt in Constantinople.

610 - Reign of Herakleios (Ý 641).

614 - Persians invade Syria and Egypt. They take hold of the True Cross.

617 - Avars and Slavs invade the Balkan Peninsula.

622 - Muhammed flees Mecca (beginning the Islamic era).

626 - Avar siege of Constantinople by Herakleios. True Cross restored to Jerusalem (629)

632 - Death of Mahomet.

634 - Syria, Palestine and Egypt are conquered by Muslims.

661 - Damascus under dynasty of Ommeyads.

673-677 - Arab siege of Constantinople.

693 - Arabs conquer Byzantine North Africa

698 - Arabs capture Carthage.

680 - Council of Constantinople:
Acceptance of a separate will and operation in each of the natures of Christ.

691 - Quinisextine Council (in trullo):
Three Canons concerning icons: the Church prefers the human form images to symbols.

Spiritual life

St Colombanus died in 615

St John Climacus died in 649

St Maximus the Confessor died in 662

St Andrew of Gortyna was born in 660

St John of Damascus was born in 676

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