Contemporary Icons (VIth Century)

Commodilla, Rome.
St Vitale, Ravenna.
Bawit, Egypt.
Virgin from Sinai, Kiev.

Contemporary art

Building of the monastery of St Catherine, Mount Sinai.

Wall paintings in catacombs of Comodilla, Priscilla and Calliste.

Mosaic of St Theodore and St Lorenzo fuori le Mura. Rome.

532 Building of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople.

Building of St Appolinare in Classe and St Vitale, Ravenna.

558 - Falling of the dome of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople.

Wall paintings of the red Church, Bulgaria.

Miniatures of the Gospels of Rossano, Rabulla, Sinope.

Mosaic of St Vitale, Ravenna.

Ivory of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople.

Mosaic of Porec (Parenzo), Yougoslavia

Mosaic of St Cosmas and St Damian, Rome.

Monza and Bobbio silver flasks.

Political context

Life of the Church

507 - Clovis defeats Visigoths.

527 - Justinian becomes emperor (Ý 565)

540 - Chosroes captures Antioch.

570 - Birth of Mahomet.

579 - Reign of Tibère II.

582 - Reign of Maurice.

585 - Expedition of Franks against Italy.
Lombards invade Italy.
Visigoths reconquer Spain.
Avars invade the Balkan Peninsula.

519 - End of the first schism

525 - Council of Carthage:
Reunification of the Church in Africa.

529 - St Benedict founds Monte Cassino.

553 - Council of Constantinople:

Condemnation of Origenism.

589 Council of Toledo against Arianism.

590 - St Colombanus founds Luxeuil Abbey.

Filioque is added to the Creed in Spain.

Spiritual life

St Genevieve died in 500

St Dionysios the Areopagite died in 500.

St Benedict of Nursia (480 - 548)

St Gregory the Great (539 - 604)

St Colombanus was born in 540

St John Climacus was born in 570

StMaximus the Confessor was born in 580

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